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  We all want the very best for our children and that includes giving them the best possible start to their education. There is a great deal you, as a parent, can do to achieve this. Your priority should be to create an environment that is safe, loving and stimulating.CHILDREN LEARN THROUGH ALL THEIR SENSESAs we get older, we tend to rely on our sense of sight, and maybe hearing, to learn. We read, we observe and we listen. Children touch, taste, smell, look and then listen.It's quite pointless to expect toddlers to learn by listening to you -- they're not being naughty when they gaze at you with those big eyes as you explain that it's wrong to spray your expensive perfume all over the bath (you spray the bath when you clean it, they're copying your actions -- they just haven't refined all the details yet).The best way to teach your children about their world is the most difficult for you. It involves letting them try to do things for themselves (always under your supervision, of course).

When you're rushing to get to work, the temptation is to dress your toddlers, make the beds, tidy the room, pack the bags etc, while they remain passive recipients or observers. It takes much longer if you allow your toddlers to decide what they want to wear, to dress themselves, to begin making their beds and to pack their own bags. But if you deny them the opportunity to learn these things now, when they want to, you really have no-one to blame when they don't know how to look after themselves later (and when they don't want to do these things for themselves).CHILDREN LEARN BY DOINGChildren learn by doing - it bears repeating.Children are also experts at the scientific method -- they observe their environment; they formulate hypotheses and they test these by carrying out experiments.The toddler throwing objects from a high chair isn't doing it out of malice, to make you prematurely grey! It's part of learning what happens if you drop different sized objects from a height; what happens if you put a bit of force behind the objects and throw them; what happens if you tip that plate of squishy cereal upside down; what happens to the milk if you pour it into the vegetables .When your children become astrophysicists, they'll thank you for letting them conduct their early experiments in such a positive environment!FOSTERING LEARNINGIt's not desirable to just let your children do whatever they want to do -- you need to provide firm guidelines from an early age about what is acceptable and what isn't.

By setting these boundaries, and being consistent with them, you'll give your children a secure environment in which to carry out their experiments.Jennifer Stewart has a degree in English and History and taught senior High School for over twenty years. During that time, she was Head of Department, responsible for devising and implementing teaching programs, and for supervising young teachers. After leaving full-time teaching, she wrote (and now markets) writing courses for students and adults who want to improve their writing skills.

  The first thing you will need to do is check out the condition of your item, be it a train, collectible Barbie doll, Disney collectible, or some other collectible item. Is it scratched, torn, clean, dirty, new,babbitt bearing in a box, without a box? You get the idea.Use a good light source and check the item out very carefully, noting the name, identification marks, and any copyright marks. Also, check for any imperfections, tears, scratches, color imperfections, mars, stains, etc.Many dolls are collected with the box intact. An intact box can raise the value of an item a great deal. Some are worthless if the box is damaged badly or missing.NOTE: Some dolls are meant to be played with and taken out of the box to dress. Examples are the Tonner Doll Company dolls: Tyler Wentworth, Sydney Chase, Gene, etc.Remove the doll from the box for inspection.

Look for forums, discussion boards, or news groups where similar collectors gather online. You can also check on eBay (or other online auctions) to see what similar items are selling for and what their condition was at the time of sale. Compare the prices with, and without a box to see the difference.To find your item on eBay:1. Find the category on eBay where your item would most likely be listed. (Dolls, bears, trains, Disney collectible would be likely categories.2. If using Dolls, use the [check only in Dolls box] in the search.3. Use your keyword to search, such as "Barbie doll". This will bring up the current auctions window.4. Now, check the completed auctions box, to check out the prices and descriptions on the sold items.5. When you click on the individual auctions, you can see the price the item sold for, the condition of the item and whether it had a box. Look for terms such as NRFB (Never Removed From Box) or MIB (Mint In Box).Note that the price on eBay is not the best price for your item.

Usually, the price could be more if sold locally because the online auction buyer cannot actually handle the item and examine it in person.Other places to find information about your item (doll) would be websites selling your item (doll), antique or boutique shops, toy or hobby shops, and resell shops. Also, check out the resource books at the public library.Popular collectibles might have a price book that is printed for collectors. You can also use a collection of hobby magazines to price items or to locate the year the item was made.If you have done all of the above and still cannot find the information that you need about your item, check out some local hobby clubs in your area.

Most hobby enthusiasts will be willing to help you find the information you need and are eager to talk about their hobby. You might even find an expert on your items, or a buyer!!? 2005, Courtesy of - You're welcome to use this article on your website, as long as you link properly to our site - the main page or direct article - and leave this notice intact.

  Debt consolidation loans can be the answer to a number of financial problems, but before you take the plunge, make sure you're well informed.What is a debt consolidation loan?Debt consolidation is when you arrange Gyratory Crusher Parts Suppliers a single loan to cover a number of existing debts. Rather than juggling several expensive payments, such as credit card or hire purchase bills, a debt consolidation loan means a single manageable monthly payment. You'll also benefit form lower monthly interest payments; compare an average secured debt consolidation loan of 12.4% APR to a credit card company charging 19.9% APR.Besides lower interest rates/ payments; you also benefit from knowing that a consolidation loan runs for a fixed term, and that every repayment you make goes towards clearing the loan.

Without consolidation you may find that minimum monthly payments simply service the interest accrued on your debt, without having any impact on the debt itself.Debt consolidation also offers an opportunity to repair your credit rating. Remember that any missed payments and bank charges count against you in the eyes of lenders. It's a vicious circle: a poor credit rating means that lenders see you as a risk, which in turn means they charge you higher interest rates. By repaying all your creditors and taking out a single loan; you are already well on your way to rewriting your credit history.Getting the best debt consolidation loanWhen looking for a loan, the first step is to work out exactly how much you need to borrow. Calculate how much you owe on credit cards, standing orders, overdrafts etc. and only borrow as much as you owe.

Because most debt consolidation loans are 'secured' against the value of your property; you won't have trouble finding lenders willing to arrange loans for considerably more than you actually need. However, getting further into debt rarely makes financial sense.The next step is to begin shopping around for the best deal. Visit a number of FISA registered brokers and see what they can offer you. Recent industry regulation means that loan providers must now tell customers the total cost of repaying the loan, rather than monthly payments and the loan's lifespan. Make sure that you compare like with like; don't be tempted just by low monthly repayments as you may find that the loan has a substantially longer term.Are there any drawbacks?

Debt consolidation loans often make shrewd financial sense, but it's important to know exactly what you are getting into:Firstly, you may be cutting your monthly outgoings, but it's important to understand that you are refinancing your debt over a much greater period of time. In the long run you may actually be paying more.Secondly, most debt consolidation loans are also secured, which means that your property is at risk if you continually default on repayments.Finally, it's worth bearing in mind that you are under no obligation to repay your outstanding debts. Use the loan wisely to repay existing debts; and you can look forward to a bright financial future. Use it simply to raise capital and keep spending and you will soon be in trouble.Michael Stepney is part of the team at First Aid Finance; one of the UK's leading secured loans brokers.


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